so, being a curious kitty, i said, "hmmmmm" and did a google search. and, oh-my-lord! i can't stand it. this makes me totally giddy! complete nuclear annihilation! can you hear me jumping up and down?!
if you're a johnny-come-lately, like me, and, of course despise the man ... or, if you love him it's probably more important you see this ... cause i'm pretty sure the details haven't aired on "the spin zone," i mean, "the factor."
and for fun, let's rub it in a little ...
link to the complete cartoon (although hard to read onscreen)
god bless the smoking gun, the village voice and those snarky "liberal, elitists," keith olbermann and tom tomorrow.
so, how does keith's favorite punching bag still have a job? ... oh ya, roger aisles and an oxygen-deprived viewership.